Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Lazy Cat Days of Summer?
Things are getting quite hectic around here; the humans say we might be moving soon- with much more room for all of my toys! We're really sorry we haven't had a chance to get any of the new posts or giveaways up, but I've been extra friendly, and Jenna won't let me out of her sight for a photo shoot. She says that's okay though, because I've got an extra special spa day appointment to go in and get Spay-Ud next Tuesday! I'm quite excited, so many of my friends have been, and I've felt quite left out. Jenna also says she wants to have me chipped, but I don't know about all that government tracking business. A cat's got to have some secrets, right?
The weather has also been quite hot, reaching the 90s inland, and even hotter in our room. Here's to finding a new home with air conditioning (a must in Southern California). If only they permitted cats on the beach.... What's the weather like on your end of the country?
Friday, May 18, 2012
Pets and Your Bed

It seems like I have known pet owners on every end of the spectrum, when it comes to this topic. Ironically, the canine lovers tend to be more open to the concept of sharing a bed with one's pet. However, I have known many felines to snuggle on their owner's pillow, or even under the covers at nighttime.
My mother, who has had a compromised immune system since I was 5, has always maintained a strict 'No Pets In The Bedroom' rule. This is, likely the most logical and supported amongst health experts- however, far from the emotional rationalization most loving pet owners experience. For many, their furry friends are just like children, and they are treated no different; so long as the pet doesn't seem to cause any visible harm to the furniture or human during the night. But what you can't see is still there. Both cats and dogs trapse in and out of areas exposed to their own and other's feces and bacteria, in addition to the constant grooming. Consider what may be, unknowingly, on your pet before letting them in, or on your pillow, to snuggle. As humans, we spend about 1/3 of our lives in bed, where we are often weakest to defend bacteria and viruses (when our body is recharging).
Now, it is not my policy to lock animals out of the bedroom, and I'll admit I let Truffles onto the bed from time to time. For what it's worth, however, I do maintain some basic ground rules. No pets on pillows. No pets under covers. No pets sleeping on the bed, unless they are at the foot of the bed; and even this is rare. And, no pets on the bed, ever, without a human's invitation. My solution? Truffles has a designated space (her own pillow) that stacks neatly on the chest at the foot of our bed. Not only is it safer for her (no chance of being rolled onto or kicked), but she can still feel a part of the family, without spreading dander and germs. Do you allow your pets on the bed?
My mother, who has had a compromised immune system since I was 5, has always maintained a strict 'No Pets In The Bedroom' rule. This is, likely the most logical and supported amongst health experts- however, far from the emotional rationalization most loving pet owners experience. For many, their furry friends are just like children, and they are treated no different; so long as the pet doesn't seem to cause any visible harm to the furniture or human during the night. But what you can't see is still there. Both cats and dogs trapse in and out of areas exposed to their own and other's feces and bacteria, in addition to the constant grooming. Consider what may be, unknowingly, on your pet before letting them in, or on your pillow, to snuggle. As humans, we spend about 1/3 of our lives in bed, where we are often weakest to defend bacteria and viruses (when our body is recharging).
Now, it is not my policy to lock animals out of the bedroom, and I'll admit I let Truffles onto the bed from time to time. For what it's worth, however, I do maintain some basic ground rules. No pets on pillows. No pets under covers. No pets sleeping on the bed, unless they are at the foot of the bed; and even this is rare. And, no pets on the bed, ever, without a human's invitation. My solution? Truffles has a designated space (her own pillow) that stacks neatly on the chest at the foot of our bed. Not only is it safer for her (no chance of being rolled onto or kicked), but she can still feel a part of the family, without spreading dander and germs. Do you allow your pets on the bed?
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Wild Wednesdays: Send In Those Pet Pics!
Wild Wednesday is here again! Today's beefcake comes from a multi-cat, sharing his humans with a medium haired black and white female, named Violet. Thomas is a short haired orange tabby; by far the most mischievous of the two, however, you wouldn't be able to tell by this photo, right? Thomas is playful and rambunctious but when it "strikes his fancy" he is quite sweet! He *LOVES* to sleep! Reminds me of a certain orange, cartoon, feline- right?
And second, we have the beautiful 9 year old Black Lab, Summer. Considered the world's most popular breed, the Labrador is no common dog- most labs can carry an egg in their mouth without breaking it, and are very water oriented. Not only are their coats water resistant, but most labs are superior swimmers! You won't catch me near any body of water, any time soon!
Until next week, keep sending those pet pics, and stories, into
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Pet Fusion- Cat Scratcher Lounge Review and Giveaway~ 5/27

Pets are like kids, and certainly part of any family.
When young, they create massive clutter, require potty and discipline training, and readying an environment for them can often force you to compromise some of your own individuality. Often, when you walk into someone's home, you can instantly spot a pet lover from their living room. Sure, some prefer to hide their 'obsession' in a designated room decked with kitty pics and cat trees, but most of us simply accept that our pets share communal space. Like a baby, there's often feeding implements, toys, and interactive elements strewn about any given room. After all, most of our furry friends don't grasp 'time to clean up!'
Luckily for me, I'm a bit of a kid at heart, myself, and my heart for animals borders obsessively cute. Not only am I physically incapable of walking past a pet store, or department, without making a purchase for our spoiled brats- but I tend to 'theme' their toys to my own tastes and design. I'm quite certain Truffles has no, nor will she ever have a, concept of what a Lobster is, but I seem drawn to catnip chews and teethers that resemble them. And, of course, there is the massive collection of Beanie Babies I allow her to tote all throughout our living room on a whim. And believe me, we find those in the strangest of places!
However, even though we love our cats dearly, I still find myself running frantically through the house trying to contain all the kitty clutter when we have guests. It just seems odd to explain why there are 10 plastic eggs on the floor, or what the giant neon cat tube is used for. It's not that I'm embarrassed by my pets, it's that I feel I should still maintain some semblance of control, before I'm perceived as a 'crazy cat lady'. Next too horrible pet odors, few things are more tacky than large pet furniture. And because this is my belief, we have abstained from purchasing any since the move. I usually ensure each cat has a designated area (of height) that they know is their 'safe spot'. Cats, especially need to know they have items and spaces of their own territory; human free places they can relax at. In our house this has primarily been a window sill for Truffles, and a large chair with pillow for Frankie.
For most purposes, this method has served us well- but I have always felt guilty about banning cat furniture. Even more, there is no designated place for either of the pets to knead and claw. Who wants an ugly cat scratch pad dangling from their door, or sprawled in the living room? So, recently, I did a generic Google search for 'modern cat furniture', and I stumbled across a wonderful new company focused on the seamless blend of pets and design; Pet Fusion. This brand was founded with the belief that pet products can be more than a method of caring for your pets, but an aesthetically pleasing solution for everyday interaction. At this moment the product range is narrow, and focuses on felines; though a canine division is under development. That being said, their flagship product, the Cat Scratcher Lounge is the perfect example of their mantra and mission.
We received a Pet Fusion Cat Scratcher Lounge (SRV $99.95, On Sale for $49.95) for feature here on Time Out Truffles and Momma Told Me. Sold online, through Amazon, this product arrives in a very large box, inside another (form fitting) box. I could gripe about Amazon's waste of packing space, but that's not something Pet Fusion can help. I do point this out, however, as the Cat Scratcher Lounge is very Eco-Friendly in concept, ironically. This 3.5' horizontal pet lounge arrives entirely assembled and claims to be a natural attractant for cats. Not to jump ahead, but I have been most impressed to find this true- Ms. Truffles has forgone her window for the lounger 3 days in a row now. Additionally, since Truffles is a spoiled princess, and was the first to 'claim' the furniture, the two have gotten in a few scuffles over this piece of prime property!
There is simply something about the (scent?) and feel of cardboard that always brings out the inner kitten in Truffles. She used to 'peanut' dive in biodegradable corn syrup peanuts when she was younger, and has grown up around packing boxes her entire life. When the Cat Scratch Lounger emerged from the box, complimentary catnip taped to the instructions, Truffles took interest. As the cats generally aren't allowed on non-designate furniture, she spent most of the first few hours hesitantly sniffing and running. Even though she's a ham for the camera, she was more concerned with making sure Momma wasn't angry! Finally, I picked her up and set her on the scratcher, to show her it was okay. This was followed by much sniffing, some rolling, and a fair amount of stretching. Then she dug out her favorite Beanie (Chocolate) and happily fell asleep curled up in the center of the unit.
The Cat Scratcher Lounge has an extremely lightweight build that is elliptical in shape and incredibly sturdy for multi-cat homes (though I'm not sure Frankie will be allowed near it anytime soon). The two 'inner' coils are good for smaller cats, and play, though Frankie prefers to run up, scratch there, and run. Both of our cats have pet safe Nail Caps on their front paws, but this does not stop them from 'clawing', and clawing a LOT. I have never seen Truffles stretch so much and paw at anything, so it's nice for her to have a natural outlet. Additionally, she has found herself in a veritable yoga book of lounging. She'll curl up in the center, hang a leg off the side, stretch as long as she can, and sleep with her front half hanging off the curves. I'm almost jealous of how comfortable she looks! And Frankie, well he just glares in the background.
In all, I'd consider the near $100 retail price point a bit steep. I fully support paying more for 'green' pet products, and I love that the design is modern and seamless with decor- but I probably wouldn't pay more than $60. That being said, the Pet Fusion Cat Scratcher Lounge is currently On Sale for less than $50 through Amazon, a great price! Not only do I love the crisp angles and muted colors of ours, but the felines have proven it's worth. I don't think ours has been unoccupied for more than 20 minutes, since it came out of the box!
When young, they create massive clutter, require potty and discipline training, and readying an environment for them can often force you to compromise some of your own individuality. Often, when you walk into someone's home, you can instantly spot a pet lover from their living room. Sure, some prefer to hide their 'obsession' in a designated room decked with kitty pics and cat trees, but most of us simply accept that our pets share communal space. Like a baby, there's often feeding implements, toys, and interactive elements strewn about any given room. After all, most of our furry friends don't grasp 'time to clean up!'
Luckily for me, I'm a bit of a kid at heart, myself, and my heart for animals borders obsessively cute. Not only am I physically incapable of walking past a pet store, or department, without making a purchase for our spoiled brats- but I tend to 'theme' their toys to my own tastes and design. I'm quite certain Truffles has no, nor will she ever have a, concept of what a Lobster is, but I seem drawn to catnip chews and teethers that resemble them. And, of course, there is the massive collection of Beanie Babies I allow her to tote all throughout our living room on a whim. And believe me, we find those in the strangest of places!
However, even though we love our cats dearly, I still find myself running frantically through the house trying to contain all the kitty clutter when we have guests. It just seems odd to explain why there are 10 plastic eggs on the floor, or what the giant neon cat tube is used for. It's not that I'm embarrassed by my pets, it's that I feel I should still maintain some semblance of control, before I'm perceived as a 'crazy cat lady'. Next too horrible pet odors, few things are more tacky than large pet furniture. And because this is my belief, we have abstained from purchasing any since the move. I usually ensure each cat has a designated area (of height) that they know is their 'safe spot'. Cats, especially need to know they have items and spaces of their own territory; human free places they can relax at. In our house this has primarily been a window sill for Truffles, and a large chair with pillow for Frankie.
For most purposes, this method has served us well- but I have always felt guilty about banning cat furniture. Even more, there is no designated place for either of the pets to knead and claw. Who wants an ugly cat scratch pad dangling from their door, or sprawled in the living room? So, recently, I did a generic Google search for 'modern cat furniture', and I stumbled across a wonderful new company focused on the seamless blend of pets and design; Pet Fusion. This brand was founded with the belief that pet products can be more than a method of caring for your pets, but an aesthetically pleasing solution for everyday interaction. At this moment the product range is narrow, and focuses on felines; though a canine division is under development. That being said, their flagship product, the Cat Scratcher Lounge is the perfect example of their mantra and mission.
We received a Pet Fusion Cat Scratcher Lounge (SRV $99.95, On Sale for $49.95) for feature here on Time Out Truffles and Momma Told Me. Sold online, through Amazon, this product arrives in a very large box, inside another (form fitting) box. I could gripe about Amazon's waste of packing space, but that's not something Pet Fusion can help. I do point this out, however, as the Cat Scratcher Lounge is very Eco-Friendly in concept, ironically. This 3.5' horizontal pet lounge arrives entirely assembled and claims to be a natural attractant for cats. Not to jump ahead, but I have been most impressed to find this true- Ms. Truffles has forgone her window for the lounger 3 days in a row now. Additionally, since Truffles is a spoiled princess, and was the first to 'claim' the furniture, the two have gotten in a few scuffles over this piece of prime property!
There is simply something about the (scent?) and feel of cardboard that always brings out the inner kitten in Truffles. She used to 'peanut' dive in biodegradable corn syrup peanuts when she was younger, and has grown up around packing boxes her entire life. When the Cat Scratch Lounger emerged from the box, complimentary catnip taped to the instructions, Truffles took interest. As the cats generally aren't allowed on non-designate furniture, she spent most of the first few hours hesitantly sniffing and running. Even though she's a ham for the camera, she was more concerned with making sure Momma wasn't angry! Finally, I picked her up and set her on the scratcher, to show her it was okay. This was followed by much sniffing, some rolling, and a fair amount of stretching. Then she dug out her favorite Beanie (Chocolate) and happily fell asleep curled up in the center of the unit.
The Cat Scratcher Lounge has an extremely lightweight build that is elliptical in shape and incredibly sturdy for multi-cat homes (though I'm not sure Frankie will be allowed near it anytime soon). The two 'inner' coils are good for smaller cats, and play, though Frankie prefers to run up, scratch there, and run. Both of our cats have pet safe Nail Caps on their front paws, but this does not stop them from 'clawing', and clawing a LOT. I have never seen Truffles stretch so much and paw at anything, so it's nice for her to have a natural outlet. Additionally, she has found herself in a veritable yoga book of lounging. She'll curl up in the center, hang a leg off the side, stretch as long as she can, and sleep with her front half hanging off the curves. I'm almost jealous of how comfortable she looks! And Frankie, well he just glares in the background.
In all, I'd consider the near $100 retail price point a bit steep. I fully support paying more for 'green' pet products, and I love that the design is modern and seamless with decor- but I probably wouldn't pay more than $60. That being said, the Pet Fusion Cat Scratcher Lounge is currently On Sale for less than $50 through Amazon, a great price! Not only do I love the crisp angles and muted colors of ours, but the felines have proven it's worth. I don't think ours has been unoccupied for more than 20 minutes, since it came out of the box!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, May 11, 2012
Coming Next Week: Stylish and Practical Cats- Kitty Decor For Your Home
It's official Frankles are now up to date with the hottest of feline trends (and most practical of pet owner solutions); ManiPeti nail caps. Whoa, whoa, so many questions, right?
Who's Frankles?
Isn't a ManiPeti a spa day for humans?
How did Jenna have the patience to bedazzle Frankie's nails?
Well, much like the Hollywood Supercouples (Bennifer, Brangelina, etc), our humans have dubbed us Frankles; short for Frankie and Truffles, or Truffie on especially wild afternoons. And much like the finest pop culture icons, we've decided to amp up our look. Professional stylists tell us the top feline celebs all have well maintained paws- and now we're no exception. Following my spa day with Jenna, Frankie endured the pampering process of ManiPeti nail caps in sophisticated Blue with Swarovski Crystals. Now he just prances around here like the King of Persia (more like King of The Alley)! Look for our ManiPeti review and giveaway, as well as a PetFusion Feline Design for Your Home feature next week!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Wild Wednesdays- We're Back!

Okay, so we had to take a week off. Things were crazy with the family; there was a funeral and a 21st birthday, then Jenna had a BIG event on Momma Told Me with thousands of prizes in giveaways and reviews in just 4 days! But I'm happy to report we're back on schedule and we have some great things for you! I've even included a shot of Moi, below- a sneak preview! Just try not to smile at this week's Wild Wednesdays pet pics- and be sure to send your pet photos in or a chance to be featured here next Wednesday! Send pet pics to
First, we have rescue kitty MaggieMae- a gorgeous girl who loves helping her human out with the groceries, especially when there's food involved! Did you know they make 'crinkle sacks' for cats like MaggieMae who love to hide in, and play with the sound of grocery bags? I'm much too timid to go into something I can't get out of, besides, Jenna would just pick me up and take me with her!
Here we have Brutus the Boxer, in a mixed-species relationship with Fuzzy-Wugz, their gigantic cat. Having 'made it official' 5 years back, the two are like an old married couple. In this picture, they are cuddling in between Buster and their human on the couch. They like to watch Jeopardy together!
First, we have rescue kitty MaggieMae- a gorgeous girl who loves helping her human out with the groceries, especially when there's food involved! Did you know they make 'crinkle sacks' for cats like MaggieMae who love to hide in, and play with the sound of grocery bags? I'm much too timid to go into something I can't get out of, besides, Jenna would just pick me up and take me with her!
Here we have Brutus the Boxer, in a mixed-species relationship with Fuzzy-Wugz, their gigantic cat. Having 'made it official' 5 years back, the two are like an old married couple. In this picture, they are cuddling in between Buster and their human on the couch. They like to watch Jeopardy together!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
KatKabin Pet Shelter Giveaway!

Our parent blog, Momma Told Me, is hosting a super special giveaway as part of Blog POP! Events and Group's Spring Fling event! One lucky follower will win an Original KatKabin shelter, and we're sharing that opportunity with you! Simply fill out the easy Rafflecopter form below, and be sure to visit the full article on Momma Told Me! Good luck!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Wild Wednesdays: Send In Those Pet Pics!
Cats AND Dogs, cohabiting?! What has this world come to? And why is the CAT outside?!
Here we have Ralphie the longhaired dachshund, and Callie the calico cat - each wishing they were on the other side of the door! (Callie's territory is the porch.yard and some areas of the house but she gets lonely and wants to come inside where her humans are, of course, and Ralphie's not allowed to hang out in the yard, so he's jealous of her that she gets to be outside- they're both jealous of each other, but just a little). How's that for the grass is always greener?

And here we have Emily, the adopted kitty turned Princess. We hear she's a real Daddy's girl- and who wouldn't be with a face like that? I have to claim jealousy here- my humans always shoo me off the laundry pile, but every self respecting cat knows that's PRIME cat territory!
That's all for this week- don't forget to send in those pet pics to!
That's all for this week- don't forget to send in those pet pics to!
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